Call for nominations for NRF board

01 October 2007

The Department of Science and Technology is in the process of constituting the National Research Foundation (NRF) Board in terms of the National Research Foundation Act, 1998 (Act No 23 of 1998).

Nominations of suitable candidates to be considered for appointment to the board by the Minister of Science and Technology are hereby invited from all interested persons/organisations. A chairperson and nine to eleven other members will be appointed in their personal capacities.

When submitting nominations, it should be borne in mind that board members should be persons who have distinguished themselves in the field of research and technology, research and technology management, business, public affairs or civil society. The nominations should be submitted to the Minister of Science and Technology by not later than 12 October. Appropriate curricula vitae should accompany the nominations.

The following information should also be provided: identity number; gender and race; designation and responsibilities; address, telephone, fax and email; qualifications/field of study; current and past service on boards; area(s) of expertise; names of contactable referees, as well as confirmation of the availability of nominees. Nominations may be forwarded to The Director-General, Department of Science and Technology, Private Bag x894, Pretoria, 0001.

The National Research Foundation (NRF) has announced that the closing date for the next round of rating applications is 28 February, 2008. This date affects those applying for rating for the first time, and those applying to renew their rating status. For more information, follow the Research Office link on the UCT homepage, or contact Christina Pather (x2434) or Desmarie Dreyer (x 2433) at the Research Office.

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