VC welcomes new staff

04 April 2011

VC Dr Max Price chats to new staff members Networking: VC Dr Max Price chats to new staff members at a welcoming function at Glenara.

UCT's high international ranking seems to be a drawcard not only for prospective students but for staff as well, attracting employees from as far afield as the US and Europe.

Among staff members who were welcomed by vice-chancellor Dr Max Price at a function on 17 March were Dr William Horowitz from the US, and Belmira Carreno, who has worked in Barcelona, Spain.

Like many other new staffers, they considered the move to UCT to be a wonderful opportunity. And UCT's eye-catching surroundings add to the appeal of working at the far end of Africa.

As Zimkhitha Mqutheni of the Development & Alumni Department and Lazola Magobiyane of Information and Communication Technology Services put it, the opportunity to study while working at the institution is the cherry on the cake.

Price told the new staffers that a university can be a lonely place, as people often work in silos; he urged them to use the welcoming function and other gatherings to network. He encouraged those gathered to take part in the activities and structures available, such as clubs and committees, saying "it is important to create a community across the university".

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