24 to 30 September 2018

26 September 2018

Engaging with the Curriculum Change Framework is a fundamental step in an institutional dialogue about curriculum and the meanings and practices of curriculum change across disciplines.

To make the process inclusive and transparent, the UCT community has been invited to send comments on the framework to Anthea Metcalfe (Anthea.Metcalfe@uct.ac.za).

The messages that follow have been published as received. This page will be updated regularly as more messages come through.


I have a comment on the curriculum change framework:

1. Lack of multiple narratives:

The curriculum change framework takes a very narrow few point on curriculum change and transformation. It seems to only care about the plight about black-african students. The struggles that Coloured students and Indian students are not something that is even looked into. The word “coloured” is only mentioned once in the entire document. Whilst ‘Indian” is not even mentioned once. Comparatively “Black” is mentioned a vast number of times and to a lesser extent “White.” This is unacceptable. Coloured and Indian students are marginalised in this debate. Lest we forget that the coloured population makes up the majority in the Western Cape and Cape Town. As the premier institution in the Cape how can the needs of the majority be not even looked at?

Yours sincerely,
Muhammad Yusuf


I have tried to read the framework but can make absolutely no sense of it. It is unintelligible. I am therefore reliant on Professor Tim Crowe’s comments which I strongly endorse. My reaction is that I will certainly cancel an intended bequest to UCT if this framework is applied to any extent.

Yours sincerely
Jocelyne Kane-Berman


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