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Wamkelekile, Welkom
UCT condemns fake WhatsApp message
28 March 2020 | Story Staff writer. Read time 2 min.
The University of Cape Town distances itself from misleading audio messages about the COVID-19 pandemic which have been circulating on WhatsApp.
The message, attributed to a "Head of Virology" at Groote Schuur Hospital commenting on the coronavirus disease 2019 does not represent views held by the faculty and the hospital on the pandemic, said Associate Professor Lionel Green-Thompson, dean of UCT’s Faculty of Health Sciences.
“We wish to stress that this message did not emanate from our Virology Department and that this message does not represent the views or policies of the WCG: Health or UCT Faculty of Health Sciences. Management regrets the confusion caused by this,” said Green-Thompson.
He urged people to “adhere to being responsible and heed the call to stay home.”
For relevant and accurate information on the pandemic and how the university is responding to it, visit UCT’s Coronavirus Disease 2019 feature.