SRC elections voting open and town hall debates to commence

16 September 2024

Dear students

Voting in the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) elections is officially open. The SRC plays an important role in representing your voice in university committees, in advocating for your rights as students at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and in hosting projects and events that improve campus life. Make sure you vote for your representatives.

Two town hall debates will be hosted for voters to get an opportunity to engage with the SRC candidates. These will take place on Tuesday, 17 September and Wednesday, 18 September from 18:00 to 20:00 in the New Lecture Theatre on upper campus. The debates will be moderated by special guest Mpho Moalamedi.  

Voting is open 24 hours a day from 09:00 on Monday, 16 September to 23:59 on Friday, 20 September 2024.

How to cast your vote: 

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your UCT login credentials (student number + password)
  3. Follow the instructions and cast your vote. You can choose to abstain or vote for up to 10 candidates.

If you experience any issues with logging in or casting your vote, email the chief electoral officer.

Students are reminded that the UCT Election Regulations and Campaign Protocol provide a code of conduct to promote conditions that are conducive to free and fair elections and building a consent culture.

These rules prohibit:

  • voters being coerced into or prevented from casting their vote
  • interfering with a voter’s right to secrecy while voting
  • door-to-door campaigning in the residences.

Please report any incidences to the chief electoral officer.

If you have any questions or need further updates, please feel free to send an email or follow UCT Elections on InstagramX, Facebook or TikTok.

Remember, Democracy 2.0: Your Vote Counts!

The UCT Election Commission

Read previous communications:

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