Inaugural lecture by Professor Smith and other updates

18 September 2024

Dear students

The University of Cape Town (UCT) will host the UCT Inaugural Lecture by Professor Gregory Smith on Thursday, 19 September 2024. Read more about this and other recent developments on campus.

1. Inaugural lecture by Professor Smith

Professor Gregory Smith, professor of inorganic chemistry at UCT, will deliver his inaugural lecture titled “The Marriage of Organometallic Chemistry – Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue”, on Thursday, 19 September at the PD Hahn Building, upper campus at 17:30 SAST.

Organometallic chemistry is where the worlds of inorganic and organic chemistry collide, giving rise to compounds that are the backbone of innovation in fields like catalysis, materials science, medicinal chemistry, and organic synthesis. For a country like South Africa, which holds a staggering 90% of the world’s platinum group metals (PGM) reserves, the challenge of maximising the value of these resources remains a pressing issue. The lack of beneficiation and value addition is a significant obstacle for the nation’s minerals industry.

Professor Smith will take us on a journey through his research roadmap, crafted to meet the future needs of organometallic applications, particularly in the context of beneficiation. His work has been centered on the creation of both small molecule and macromolecular organometallic compounds. These compounds are not just scientific curiosities; they are key players in organic transformation reactions as catalysts, and they hold promising potential in the realm of medicinal chemistry for therapeutic applications.

2. SRC elections underway

The Students’ Representative Council (SRC) elections commenced on Monday, 16 September. The SRC plays an important role in representing students in university committees, in advocating for their rights as students at UCT and in hosting projects and events that improve campus life. Make sure you vote for your representatives.

The second session in the town hall debates, which provide students with an opportunity to engage with the SRC candidates, will be held on Wednesday, 18 September from 18:00 to 20:00 in the New Lecture Theatre on upper campus. The debates are moderated by special guest Mpho Moalamedi.

Voting is open 24 hours a day until Friday, 20 September at 23:59.

3. TB Davie Annual Lecture by Judge Tladi

The university, in conjunction with the Academic Freedom Committee (AFC), will host the 58th TB Davie Memorial Lecture on Tuesday, 1 October. The lecture, titled “The Narrative as the Enemy of Freedom of Thought,” will be addressed by Judge Dire Tladi, judge of the International Court of Justice in the Hague.

There are few things more powerful in international relations than “the narrative”, or the generally accepted truth. Whether we are talking about climate change, geopolitics or global health, people are often vilified for expressing a view different from that of the narrative. This vilification is also sometimes directed at judges in the international system.

On the one hand, these narratives are often said to be based on humanitarian values and the search for a better world. At the same time, not only do narratives imperil freedom of thought and expression, they also undermine critical thinking.

Judge Tladi will address this subject during the lecture.

4. Session on effective communication within teams

The UCT Lead Academy, through its Capacity Building Pathway, will host a session on “Effective Communication Within Teams”. This session is scheduled for Friday, 20 September from 16:00 to 17:30 at CS203, Computer Science Building on upper campus.

The goal is to explore the essential elements of effective communication, including verbal and non-verbal cues. Key learning outcomes include:

  • learning strategies for active listening, empathy and clarity in communication
  • engaging in an active listening role-playing activity
  • enhancing communication skills and building rapport with team members.

The session is open to all students.

5. Reminder: Complete the SWS survey on mental well-being

The Department of Student Affairs’ (DSA) Student Wellness Service (SWS) is conducting an important survey on student mental well-being and preferences on counselling options.

Participation is completely anonymous. By sharing your experiences, you can contribute to making a difference in the mental health support available to UCT students.

Any questions or concerns regarding the survey should be directed to the SWS practice manager.

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