Invitation to complete a questionnaire on AI tools in relation to assessment

25 September 2024 | Acting DVC Emer Prof Linda Ronnie

Dear colleagues

I’d like to invite you to participate in a research project, the findings of which will contribute to develop support services and resources to build Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education literacy and to support assessment practices at the University of Cape Town (UCT).

The growing availability and use of generative AI tools is impacting teaching, learning and assessment practices at universities globally. At UCT we are actively working to develop appropriate responses and best practices around these emerging AI technologies. I write to invite you to participate in research that will provide insights into the use of AI tools in assessment practice at UCT that takes account of both risks and opportunities.

The purpose of the research is to

  • gauge to what extent and how AI tools and technologies are being acknowledged and/or allowed to be used in assessments and
  • explore possible further applications of AI that would be useful in supporting future assessment practices.

The research is conducted by the UCT Assessment Project Team, which is funded by the University Capacity Development Grant, working with the Assessment Framework Working Group, which has been responsible for revising the recently updated Assessment Policy. The group is now working on activities to support implementation of the assessment policy and to support the challenges of assuring assessment integrity across different sorts of assessment.

Taking part in this research would involve completing a brief 10-minute questionnaire. You will not be asked to provide any personally identifying information. I encourage undergraduate and postgraduate teaching staff to please participate:

This survey has received ethics approval from the Centre for Higher Education Development Research Ethics Committee.

Should you have any questions about the research please contact the project assistant, Soraya Lester.


Emer Prof Linda Ronnie
Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching and Learning

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