New DVC for UCT

05 January 2002
THE VICE-CHANCELLOR, Professor Njabulo Ndebele, has announced that Associate Professor Cheryl de la Rey has been appointed as a Deputy Vice-Chancellor. She is an Associate Professor in the Psychology department and is currently seconded to the National Research Foundation (NRF) as Executive Director: Research.

"I am personally thrilled that Prof De la Rey will join our team and I am convinced that she will add a very important blend of skills and talents," Ndebele said. "I know the University community will welcome her into this position and I eagerly anticipate the important impact she will make.

"The selection process culminated on May 6 in the Selection Committee bringing its recommendations to Senate," he said. "Two days later the Institutional Forum agreed that the correct selection process had been followed by the Selection Committee. On May 9 the Selection Committee advised Council on its recommendations and its work sofar. Council subsequently approved De la Rey's appointment. It also agreed that the Selection Committee should engage in further discussions with Senate about the additional two DVC positions and portfolios."

According to De la Rey, the call from Ndebele last Thursday caught her somewhat off guard. "It was a happy surprise," she commented.

Her busy last year-and-a-half at the NRF has prepared her well for the coming demands on her time and energies, De la Rey told Monday Paper. "I feel that I'm quite prepared for the intensity of the post. I want to make a contribution to UCT."

De la Rey will now resign from the NRF and will give up her lecturing duties at UCT. She hopes, however, to keep writing, particularly about the challenges currently facing South African universities.

"The one aspect that I will miss, however, is the direct contact with students in the classroom environment," she said.

De la Rey will step in as DVC on July 1. "I really want to thank my colleagues, staff and students -- the UCT community -- for expressing their confidence in me this way."

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Monday Monthly

Volume 21 Edition 12

20 May 2002

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