Fab four scoop coveted scholarships

31 March 2003

Winners all: The South African College's of Music's Michael Tuffin (seated) was on hand to present the Dudley D'Ewes Scholarships and Book Prize to (from left) Ruth Wright, Sarah Johnson, Karen Alston and Gretchen van der Byl.

FOUR UCT students have received 2003 Dudley D'Ewes Scholarships and Book Prizes from the Cape Tercentenary Foundation.

The Foundation was founded in 1950 by Edward and Harry Molteno and has, for the past 50 years, provided funding to individuals and organisations to initiate or complete artistic, cultural, educational, environmental or conservation projects that will benefit the Eastern, Northern or Western Cape Provinces.

Sarah Johnson is studying towards her MA in creative Writing (Poetry). She is working on a collection of poems that she hopes to publish as a first collection next year, together with her dissertation.

Karen Alston is an MSc student on the conservation biology programme. Her areas of research include terrestrial ecosystems and their conservation, natural resource management, the ecology and management of alien plant invasions and restoration of degraded habitats in the Cape Floristic Region.

For her MA in fine art Grechen van der Byl's study includes a rigorous theoretical and practical investigation into the practices of painting, the study of correct painting techniques and a thorough theoretical interrogation of subject matter, particularly the human figure.

Ruth Wright (the only one of the four to win a Book Prize) is an MSc student in applied marine sciences. Her study focuses on the biology, physiology and prevalence of a parasitic marine isopod and its impact on various fish species in False Bay.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 22 Edition 07

24 Mar 2003

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