For your info...

26 May 2003
There will be a special edition of Monday Paper on June 17 to celebrate our June graduands. We are looking for riveting story ideas; marvellous new research, serial achievers, touching family stories (staff capping their offspring, etc) or anything you think would make good reading or that embodies UCT's quest for excellence in research, learning and teaching. Please email your ideas and contact details to Helen Théron at

The next PASS Forum will be held on Thursday, June 5, from 08h30 to 10h00 in the Senate Room. On the agenda are: an informal report back of the Council meeting on June 4; Registrar Hugh Amoore will talk about the role of his office at UCT; and François Botha, director of DISCHO, will discuss the services and future vision of the organisation. There will also be time set aside to discuss any other issues attendees may wish to raise.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 22 Edition 14

26 May 2003

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