Calling all Olympians

05 April 2004

Are you a student or staff member at UCT, and have you qualified, are you about to quality or do you think that you will qualify to represent South Africa (or any other nation, for that matter) at either the Olympic Games or the Paralympic Games in Athens this year?

Or do you have offspring, cousins (however far removed), students, tutors, a spouse, partner, parent or even a pet parakeet that will either be taking part or just attending the above events? Or are you contributing in some other way to the games?

If you can answer "yes" or even just "maybe" to any of the above questions, why not give Monday Paper editor Andrea Weiss a call at 650-5160, or just drop her line at Your beloved internal newsletter hopes to run a special Olympic Edition (we came up with that one ourselves) sometime in the run-up to the Greek spectacle, and need as many UCT-related leads as possible to follow up on.

So please give us a call, and we will feature you, your student, lecturer, offspring, cousin (however far removed), spouse, partner, parent and yes, even that darn parakeet, in the edition.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 23 Edition 08

05 Apr 2004

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