Laptops a favourite

23 March 2006

After a series of armed robberies along the Main Road between Mowbray and Rondebosch, the crime scene seems to have abated in recent weeks, Campus Protection Services' operations manager Vincent Ricketts told Monday Paper.

Nonetheless, the campus community is asked to remain vigilant, particularly when it comes to office security. Laptops are the items favoured by opportunists who sometimes take the gap when they see offices unattended and valuable items left in full view.

"Lock you office when you leave, even if it's just for a few minutes," Ricketts advised.

The warning extends to residences and students are urged to secure their rooms.

"And don't leave cell phones in common areas," he added.

Good news on the crime front is that an arrest was made after two alleged car thieves broke into a vehicle parked in Woolsack Drive. Further information from the SAPS revealed that the suspects were linked to 13 outstanding cases relating to vehicle thefts.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 25 Edition 05

23 Mar 2006

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