Monitoring association launched

04 January 2006

UCT staff are to play a meaningful role in the newly launched South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association (SAMEA).

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) has developed into a trans-disciplinary field of expertise and concerns all spheres and sectors of society.

The government is investing heavily in personnel who are qualified to provide M&E services. Several new training programmes have been introduced at university level. The interest in M&E is growing because of limited and rapidly diminishing resources and the growing need for accountability.

The launch of SAMEA is also significant because several attempts in the past to bring together researchers, academics and practitioners focusing on evaluation have failed. SAMEA will join forces with other national and international associations such as the African Evaluation Association, the American Evaluation Association, and others as they establish and articulate guidelines for good practices.

The current SAMEA board of directors is made up of individuals from government, NGOs, universities, the private sector and research agencies.

At the first board meeting in late January this year, Dr Mark Abrahams of the Centre for Open Learning was elected vice-chairperson.

Abrahams wants academics involved in M&E and students who want make a career out of M&E to join SAMEA. He believes that a strong professional association will enhance the quality of M&E applications and training.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 25 Edition 07

20 Apr 2006

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