Crime down, but campus fringes problematic

23 August 2010

Concerted efforts between the UCT community, Campus Protection Services (CPS) and the police have seen a dramatic drop in crime on campus. However, crime on the campus peripheries remains a concern, said risk services manager Roland September.

Thus far 128 incidents have been reported in 2010, against 246 in the same period last year. In many cases arrests have been made, the latest on 13 August when two suspects were apprehended following the robbery of an international student in Cecil Road, Mowbray. Closed-circuit cameras captured the details of the perpetrators and their car registration. The student was robbed of his cellphone, wallet, ID card and his heirloom violin. Further work by the UCT Investigations Department and the Mowbray police led to the arrest of two suspects and the recovery of both the student's cellphone and his violin. The violin had been sold to an antique dealer. The suspects appeared in court on 16 August and the case was postponed for further investigation.

In July, CPS staff nabbed a 24-year-old woman wandering in North Grange residence with two bags of stolen goods worth R15 000.

On the fringes of campus, particularly along the main road between Observatory and Rondebosch, there have been 19 robberies in the past few months. These include a surge in hit-and-run incidents, in which pedestrians are robbed by occupants of vehicles pulling up alongside.

Walk in groups and use the Jammie Shuttle whenever possible, says September. Also remember to display your staff or student card at all times - and don't swipe in other people.

In case of emergency, or if you have information about crime, call CPS at 021 650 2222.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 29 Edition 12

23 Aug 2010

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