Diary: 9 December 2002 onwards

09 December 2002
Baxter Main Theatre
Until 4 Jan. 2003:
David Kramer and Taliep Petersen's District Six. Wed-Fri 20h00, Sat 17h00 and 20h30, Sun 16h00 and 19h30. Enq: Stage Productions 0828624948

Sanlam Studio
From 18 November:
Beading My Soul. Directed by Sara Matchett, Conceived by Andrea Dondolo. 20h15
Until 25 January 2003: Blame it on the Boogie, (tribute to male bands and boy bands from the 60s to present — from The Beatles to the Backstreet Boys). Enq and block bookings: 0832285819 or 6502640 (Gillian)

Irma Stern Museum
Until 4 January 2003:
Exhibition of ceramic work by Clementina van der Walt. Museum hours: Tues-Sat. 10h00-17h00. Tel: 6855686

Hiddingh Campus
Bookings through Susan Cole 021-480-7129 or scole@hiddingh.uct.ac.za
The Little Theatre:
11-14 December and 18-21 December:
The House of Usher. Directed by Chris Weare.

Iziko Museums
13 December:
Concerts Four-by-Two: Simfonia Italiano (Lively works by Vivaldi, Scarlatti, Albinoni & Corelli played by Shirley Gie, Lucia di Blasio Scott and others. The Whale Well, SA Museum 20h15. Enq: 7975912
Until 23 March 2003: Retrospective exhibition by William Kentridge. The SA Museum. Running concurrently with the exhibition is Episodes - (showcasing some of the extraordinary puppets of the Handspring Puppet Company. Enq: 4674660

11 December: Royal Society of South Africa Meeting and talk entitled Helioseismology: probing the depths of the sun by Prof Douglas Gough (Director of the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge). At the SA Museum, Queen Victoria St Cape Town. 17h00. All welcome, no entrance charge. Enq: 6502543, roysoc@science.uct.ac.za

5-8 January 2003: Kaplan Centre: Port Jews: Jews and non-Jews in cosmopolitan maritime trading centres. The conference is open to bona-fide scholars and researchers. For further information contact Janine 6503062

FREE NetG Skill-Builder Self-training Courses on Windows, Word, Excel, Access and Power Point. See http://websvm.its.uct.ac.za/Webcal/ for more info.

Academic Posts:
Senior Lecturer/Lecturer, The SA Structural Biology Initiative, UCT Institute for Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine (3-yr contract post); Tel: 6503003. 18 December 2002.
Senior Lecturer/Lecturer, SA College of Music; Tel: 6502163. Dec 2002
Chair of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, tel: 650-2220. 31 January 2003.
Professor/Assoc Professor/Senior Lecturer in Analog Electronics or Broadband Networks or Telecommunications, Department of Electrical Engineering; Tel: 6502220. 14 February 2003
Professor/Assoc Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering; Tel: 6502220. 14 February 2003
Research Posts
Research Assistant, Worcester BCG Project Office (2-yr contract; Tel: 6864103 x265. 20 December 2002
Research Officer, Catalysis Research Unit, Department of Chemical Engineering (contract post); Tel: 4467. 8 January 2003
Professional, administrative and support posts
Manager: Institutional Transformation, Executive Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (pc 13); Tel: 2192. 11 December 2002
Electronics Technician, Department of Human Biology (pc 9); Tel: 4066235. 11 December 2002
Clerical Assistant, Worcester BCG Project Office (2-yr contract); Tel: 6854103 ext 265. 20 December 2002
Medical Officer, Dept of Paediatrics and Child Health (I year contract post); tel: 685-4103 x 265. 20 December 2002.
Posts for UCT Staff only
Administrative Assistant, ADP, CHED, ADP Science and Numeracy Centre (2 yr contract post); tel: 650-3793. 10 December 2002.
Drivers, Faculty of Health Sciences Support Unit; Tel 4066345. 10 December 2002
Laboratory Assistant, Department of Chemistry (pc 5); Tel: 2324. 10 December 2002
Senior Secretary, Department of Environmental and Geographical Science (pc 6); Tel: 4740. 15 December 2002.

Please note that details of the above posts may be viewed on the UCT website — Staff and Student Portal — Internal Vacancies.

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