CMD Annual Review 2020

CMD Annual Review 2020 - Our people

Our people

We are a culturally and demographically diverse set of communication and marketing professionals and practitioners. With a staff complement of 46, the Communication and Marketing Department (CMD) is one of the smaller professional administrative support services (PASS) staff departments at the university. But as the saying goes, “Dynamite comes in small packages” – this couldn’t be truer of this bustling and professional unit.

The department works very closely with colleagues across the entire campus.

As at 31 December 2020, we had 41 permanent and contract staff, with five vacancies yet to be filled. Eighty percent of staff at CMD are permanent staff members, with the balance being on short- (one year) to medium-term (three year) contracts.

The HR function at CMD is supported by one UCT HR business practitioner and one UCT HR recruitment advisor. This means that a significant amount of HR work still resides within the department and this is supported by the executive director’s (ED) executive assistant, the Executive Support Unit, line and unit managers. HR-related work includes responsibilities such as staff development and support, health and safety of staff, mental wellness, annual Development Dialogues, selection and recruitment processes, supporting and signing off on training requests, leave and overtime analysis, among other things.

When the COVID-19 lockdown hit, almost all selection and recruitment processes were put on hold due to operational priorities; these processes resumed towards the second semester of 2020. In 2020, two roles were regraded; some roles were assessed and work streamlined, meaning combining functions in one unit; and there were some reporting line changes – all with the aim of making the department more efficient and effectively aligning skills, services and competencies within units.

Post the 2019/2020 (May 2019–June 2020) Development Dialogue process, 12 individuals were awarded either an Exceed or Discretionary award within the department. This is one award more than in the previous DD cycle. These awards are made to staff who have consistently shown an extraordinary commitment to their work and CMD, as well as to UCT’s values; and who have attained their objectives, and/or contributed something new or innovative in the way the department delivers its outputs. We are extremely proud of these colleagues, and once more thank them for their service to the department and university.

In 2020 we spent 30% of our training and development budget, mostly due to the lockdown and going forward, we would like to increase this.

Many CMD colleagues are actively working to develop themselves. It is pleasing that 11 staff are engaged in tertiary courses and have qualified or are completing degrees.

Notably, in 2020 we celebrated 21 years of service to CMD by three key members of the team: our ED, Gerda Kruger; senior writer, Helen Swingler; and executive assistant to the ED, Charmaine Dublin. It is indeed indicative of a wealth of experience.

As the CMD executive we are grateful to all our colleagues for the resoluteness they demonstrated during one of our toughest years yet. The commitment of staff in CMD to the department and the institution is admirable and there for all to see. Many colleagues had to battle mental exhaustion and fight to maintain physical, emotional and mental strength, but we believe we came out stronger, wiser and better for it – for this and all our wonderful outputs and outcomes achieved in 2020 – we honour, cheer on and humbly thank our colleagues.


CMD Annual Review 2020 - CMD Finance Infographic
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Who are we?

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Feedback from colleagues

Dear Niémah

There is so much joy mixed with tears that I am holding back at the moment because I am at work. You have been a blessing to me and my family for embracing this story the way you did. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. These are the best words I can say, may you continue to do the excellent work you do. You touch UCT lives for the better. Gratefully so.

Niémah. You’ve been a delight to work with. Thanks to YOU for flying the department’s flag so high, and so well. Thank you SO MUCH!

Thank you so much for the article. I just saw my social media booming and I was wondering why. Thanks for sharing my story. It has helped me to heal.

Great job on this article. Just to let you know, I already received an offer to collaborate with another literacy programme, so time spent on this article is already well worth it. Thank you SO very much.