Monday Paper welcomes new recruit to the team

25 May 2002

Write on: UCT alumnus Thando Pato is the new "roving journalist" for the Department of Communication and Marketing.

UCT alumnus Thando Pato has joined the Department of Communication and Marketing as a journalist and will be honing her writing skills on Monday Paper each week, among other things.

While writing comes easily (Pato already has a UCT research story or two under her belt), broadcasting production and travel are her passions. "I really envy Top Billing's Michael Moll," she says. "If I ever take a break from journalism and go into something different, a travel show would be it."

Raised in the Eastern Cape, Canada and England, Pato studied English and sociology at UCT, graduating in 1999. After embarking on her English Honours, she quit halfway to "do something career orientated" and registered for a postgraduate diploma in journalism at Rhodes last year, specialising in radio journalism.

Any exciting scoops yet? "Yes! The story I'm doing now!" she enthuses. "It's about the Democratic Students' Society. These students are just so passionate and are putting so much energy into what they're doing. I'm a big believer in people with a cause."

How does she view UCT from a journalist's perspective? "There's so much research being done here. I'm really humbled by all the research just being done in health sciences."

Her dislikes? "Difficult, obnoxious people." What does she do in her spare time? "Not as much as I'd like to," she quips. "There are just not enough hours in a day. But I like to read, socialise, listen to music, all kinds."

Favourite person? "I am my favourite person! No really," she laughs. Her philosophy on life? "Live a simple life. Everything becomes very clear that way." Favourite saying? "Um, Lincoln said: 'It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt'."

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Monday Monthly

Volume 21 Edition 12

20 May 2002

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Volume 21
Edition 11
19 May 2002
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19 May 2002