Five suspects arrested on campus

26 April 2004

Campus Protection Services (CPS) has been hard at work over the past week, following the arrest of five suspects on campus.

In the first incident, officials monitored a blue Opel Astra in the Stanley Road area. The driver was sitting in the vehicle talking on his cell phone to an accomplice who was walking up and down the road.

After taking a closer look into the vehicle, CPS officers noticed equipment used to open cars. "The suspects were confronted and eventually handed over to the Rondebosch SAPS," explained CPS deputy operations manager, Alain Snyman. "We later learnt that one of the suspects is a fugitive wanted by the Durban SAPS for various crimes."

The second incident saw the arrest of three underage suspects at the Sports Centre after they were seen breaking into lockers. They too were handed over to the police.

Snyman appealed to the university community to keep a lookout for a white Volkswagen Jetta with Gauteng number plates. The car has been spotted on campus and it is believed that its four or five occupants have been involved in the theft of vehicles.

With a large percentage of crimes occurring in residences, Snyman urges students to remain vigilant when it comes to locking their doors and windows, even when stepping out for just a few minutes. "The same can be said for library areas and computer labs, where students leave cell phones and bags unattended. This creates easy opportunities for criminals and should be avoided at all times," he added.

Snyman reported that a crime awareness programme held on campus last week was well received by students. The campaign included the distribution of flyers at residences, random student card checks and the allotment of whistles to female students. Staff awareness was also monitored as crime prevention officers carried out civilian clothing exercises at random buildings.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 23 Edition 10

26 Apr 2004

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