Commitment is the name of the game

31 May 2004

Committed staffer: Granville Faulmann.

Granville Faulmann, a staffer from the classroom facilities unit, is this week's deserving Five-Star Staffer. His name was put forward by Associate Professor Susan Bourne and Dr Bette Davidowitz, who said their nomination arose "chiefly for the service Granville has provided to lecturers in the chemistry department this year".

Bourne explained that extensive renovations in the P D Hahn Building had led to a lack of safes to store lecture equipment such as microphones and computer cables.

"Granville became the most helpful person on campus, meeting lecturers each morning to hand over bits of equipment they needed for their particular lectures."

Faulmann, who has 25 years' service with UCT and who previously worked in the sports centre and for Campus Protection Services, said he enjoyed being out and about and helping others.

"It's nice to know that our help is appreciated by the UCT community," he said.

Even with the semester coming to an end, there is still the odd emergency, but as Bourne said: "A call to the unit brings Granville around with a friendly smile."

But just how does Faulmann manage to be in several places at the same time, keeping in mind that there are lectures all over campus every hour? "It's commitment," he replied modestly.

And with leading and singing in his church's choir, as well as playing the organ and violin, it is evident that Faulmann is indeed committed.

Bourne concluded: "We recognise that a small number of people have to service a large number of classrooms around campus and we would like to express our appreciation to the person with whom we've had the most contact."

(To nominate a Five-Star Staffer, please e-mail Helen Théron,

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Monday Monthly

Volume 23 Edition 15

31 May 2004

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