Stop Press

27 February 2006

UCT retirement fund road shows

To help UCTRF members be better informed when making their investment choice, the trustees have arranged a series of road shows as follows:

Monday, February 20
Upper Campus Leslie SocSci LT2c 13h00 - 14h00

Tuesday, February 21
Lower Campus Senate Rm, Bremner 13h00 - 14h00

Wednesday, February 22
Medical School Conference room 4 13h00 - 14h00

Thursday, February 23
Hiddingh Hall Commerce LT 13h00 - 14h00

Friday, February 24
Upper Campus, Leslie SocSci LT1C 13h00 - 14h00

Monday, February 27
Middle Campus, Kramer LT2
13h00 - 14h00

Tuesday, February 28
GSB, Lecture Theatre 1 13h00 - 14h00

Thursday, March 2
Upper Campus, PD Hahn 4 13h00 - 14h00

At these the fund, will cover:

  • understanding and managing the investment risk;
  • the investment channels available;
  • the impact of the changes to the UCT retirement age;
  • the investment options available to members:
    1. own choice investment portfolios
    2. the Life Stage Model;
  • common mistakes of members exercising investment choice; and
  • what is the next step for members
  • nomination of beneficiaries:
    1. who are your dependants?
    2. why two forms?

    The principal officer and a number of the trustees will also be available at each of these road shows.

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  • Monday Monthly

    Volume 25 Edition 01

    27 Feb 2006

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