Stop Press

13 March 2006

Group scheme offers fresh options

Insurance company Metropolitan has announced some big changes to the UCT Group Burial Scheme, which serves a number of university staff.

Metropolitan will be closing the scheme, but members can, says the company, be transferred to an alternative scheme that they qualify for without losing any paid-up benefits.

Most members qualify to transfer to the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) Scheme at current NEHAWU rates, Metropolitan reports.

Metropolitan Group Schemes' Thula Zwakala is visiting around campus to explain details of why the scheme is being closed and what options are open to members at this stage.

To make an appointment to see Zwakala, call her on her cell at 072 651 2706 any day of the week, or at her office number 949 5010 on Fridays.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 25 Edition 04

13 Mar 2006

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