Kusalawula Yena

04 January 2006

Nothing is as fulfilling as busting a syndicate.

This is what Sesh Betinja felt even though he landed in hospital with a few broken bones.

The boss of Ma-Africa Benefit Dry Cleaners, Mr Vumisa Majoro had called him and invited him to work at his business. This, he claimed, was due to articles Sesh had written in local newspapers.

Didn't he smell a rat? Did he for one second think his involvement would lead to losing a cousin through a mysterious hit-and-run car accident?

The beautiful woman who crossed Sesh's path at Majoros was to become his worst nightmare.

The old lady who answered the door proved to be more than just a domestic worker.

And Skhuveth does a lot of teaching when he shares his crooked skills from Zola the "Soweto" with the rural people of the Eastern Cape.

In his novel Kusalawula Yena, GBS Xundu reveals just what people are prepared to do to lay their hands on easy money.

Doctors, lawyers, accountants and some members of the police are a big part of this exhilarating story.

Come to the Little Theatre and find out for yourself how these interesting characters relate to today's money making schemes, cheating, robbing, fighting and many other backhand tactics.

Directed by Thoko Ntshinga, this adaptation of Kusalawula Yena will run from to April 10 to 29.

The Little Theatre is very proud to bring back their first full length, isiXhosa production as part of its 75th birthday celebrations. The play was first produced last year.

For performance times, ticket prices and bookings please call the Little Theatre on (021) 480 7129 or email scole@hiddingh.uct.ac.za.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 25 Edition 07

20 Apr 2006

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