Brett Goldin - 1977-2006

25 April 2006

Bright flame: UCT alumnus Brett Goldin on stage.

"The flame that burns half as long burns twice as bright!"

The UCT Drama Department deeply mourns the tragic and untimely passing of Brett Goldin. His bright star will be fondly remembered and sorely missed.

As a student of the department from 1997 to 2000, Brett was the kind of individual who makes teaching a truly worthwhile, fulfilling and enriching experience. From his first audition it was clear that we were dealing with a unique and special performer who harboured an innate and singular talent, a talent that becomes a pleasure to nurture and draw out.

He was engaged and engaging. Staff and students alike responded to his sense of humour, his embracing warmth and compassion. His smiling optimism was infectious. He gave generously of himself in whatever project he was involved while maintaining a very real sense of self.

The drama department's degree calls for an intense and demanding study and during his four years here Brett was always ready to fly with any challenge, rising to its demands with distinction. He displayed a hunger to learn while immersing himself in each academic and artistic challenge with passion and intelligence. Open to risk-taking and experiment, Brett exhibited a willingness to travel those difficult personal journeys that all artists need to undertake in order to personalise and enrich their work.

It was with maturity and creativity that he acted in many departmental productions where he tackled a diversity of roles with chameleon-like transformations. Able to immerse himself in both the comic and tragic impulse, Brett brought both an open receptivity and special insight to the work. His performances were always rich, powerful, connected, textured and compelling.

Staff and fellow students hold dear and celebrate Brett's sunshine spirit.

Geoff Hyland

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Monday Monthly

Volume 25 Edition 08

25 Apr 2006

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