Campus Highlights

30 May 2006

Calling all macebearers

The university urgently needs macebearers (staff or student volunteers) for the June graduation ceremonies on Thursday, June 15. The macebearers will lead the platform party (procession) in and out of Jameson Hall at the start and end of ceremonies, and assist with providing academic dress to staff members joining the platform party. Macebearing is voluntary and there is no payment for providing this service. If you would like to be a macebearer, please send your name and contact details to Denise Benjamin or telephone 650-2187. Please state whether you would like to assist at the morning or afternoon ceremony.

Graduation on June 15

Morning ceremonies at 10h00
Faculties: Engineering & the Built Environment; Graduate School of Business; Health Sciences and Law

Afternoon ceremonies at 15h00
Faculties: Commerce; Humanities and Science

Presentations by Biomedical Engineering students

Eight biomedical engineering (BME) students from Northwestern University (NU), Chicago, have been visiting the BME department during the past two months, participating in a course covering the broad spectrum of healthcare technology management, headed by Mladen Poluta. The students' main focus has been on medical device design that is mindful of the particular needs of developing countries. The students have spent time at various SHAWCO clinics, among others, and have been observing local healthcare needs and familiarising themselves with various environments. There are four design projects that have been pursued: Rapid TB Diagnostic Testing, Digital X-Ray Imaging System, Patient Identification System and Infant Apnoea Monitor. Their final presentations will take place on Wednesday, May 31, between 11h00 and 13h00 in the UCT Lung Institute auditorium. Tea and coffee will be served at 10h30 before the presentations.

Resource centre on disability

The Disability Service Resource Centre holds a collection of academic information, books, magazines, journals and videos on issues relating to disability. The focus is education and awareness and covers physical, learning, and sensory disability, chronic illness, and general disability-related issues. Examples include disability rights, employment, education, accessibility, health and sexuality, and HIV/AIDS.

The Resource Centre is open every weekday for all who wish to do research for personal or academic purposes. Books may be taken out for a period of 14 days. Photocopying facilities are available. Visit the Resource Centre at Room 4.05, Level 4, Steve Biko Students Union Building, upper campus.

Grad edition call

The information and media department is producing a special graduation edition of Monday Paper on June 12 to celebrate our mid-year graduands. This is a call to all heads of department - and others - to let us have any leads; stories about eye-popping research or inventions, mouth-gaping achievements and people. Send details and contact numbers and addresses to Helen Théron at e-mail , tel 650-4145.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 25 Edition 12

30 May 2006

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