Business as usual after ICTS move

26 July 2010

New home: Information and Communication Technology Services New home: Information and Communication Technology Services staff settle in after their move to a new building on Main Road, Mowbray.

In early June, the Information and Communication Technology Services (ICTS) moved to a refurbished building on Main Road, Mowbray as part of the university's plan to free up space for academic use on upper campus.

Considered to be one of the biggest moves in recent campus history, the carefully synchronised move took place over a week and a half, with the IT Helpdesk consultants being the first to take up residence in the new building on Monday 7 June.

Interruptions to IT Helpdesk services were kept to a minimum by ensuring that furniture was moved over the weekend. The Helpdesk consultants were unpacked, settled in and answering support calls by that Monday afternoon. The rest of ICTS moved into the new ICTS-on-Main building in stages over the next few days.

So how does the ICTS move affect UCT staff and students? The straightforward answer is that it shouldn't affect them in any way, says ICTS. Clients can still collect and drop off equipment, borrow installation disks, get assistance, use the fax services and access other convenient walk-in services as usual from the ICTS Front Office on Upper Campus - they haven't moved!

A number of people have already come down to Mowbray looking for the Front Office, but have had to be redirected to upper campus. "As much as we love to have you visit us, the Front Office walk-in services have not been duplicated down here," says ICTS's Steff Hughes. "Please continue to log your calls in the usual manner (online, by email or by phone) or visit our friendly consultants at the ICTS Front Office on Upper Campus."

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Monday Monthly

Volume 29 Edition 10

26 Jul 2010

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