Campus News in Brief

17 March 2003
Call for Distinguished Teacher Awards nominees
Students and members of the academic staff are invited to submit nominations for the Distinguished Teacher Awards (DTA) for 2003. All members of staff who teach students are eligible for the award. The DTA selection committee says that outstanding “junior” lecturers will be considered for nominations provided they have been teaching for a minimum of three years.

Nominations must consist of a detailed statement making a case for the award. Where possible, evidence of excellence in teaching over a number of years should be included, as well as some detail about the nominee's approach to teaching; for example, whether the teacher's strengths lie in lecturing to large classes, in laboratory instruction, in less formal teaching activities outside the classroom, or in some innovative teaching technique.

Nominations are to reach the Senate Officer, Room 110, Bremner Building, by Friday April 4, 2003 (Marked “Confidential”, for the attention of Mrs BE Grant).

Please note that it is not necessary to provide all the supporting documents by the deadline date for nominations.

Full details of the procedures and deadlines are available on the UCT website under the "staff and student portal" >> "staff news" >> "important announcements".

UCT students tops
Two UCT students featured among the annual Nedbank/Old Mutual Budget Speech Competition winners recently.

Duncan Pieterse, a Masters student in the School of Economics, won the Postgraduate Merit Award (a bursary for further study in South Africa to the value of R40 000). Ingrid Boxall, who graduated with a Bachelor of Business Science (finance) last year, won third prize (R15 000) in the general postgraduate section of the competition (the main prize being a scholarship to study at Cambridge).

The competition is open to all postgraduate students in economics and business in South Africa. Each university was invited to submit one essay entry in each of the general and merit categories. A panel of economists from the private and academic sectors assessed these essays. They also interviewed the candidates.

Minister of Finance Trevor Manuel and Ingrid Boxall.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 22 Edition 05

17 Mar 2003

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