Take your old squash racket out of the mothballs for SHAWCO

27 March 2006

I'm sure that most students have tons of equipment lying around their homes which they aren't putting to use. We at the SHAWCO sports committee could really do with it. (I must admit that I personally have a hockey stick at home which I haven't used for a decade and I'm sure that there are others that have similar confessions to make.)

What we are looking for specifically are rugby balls, soccer balls, cricket bats and balls, netballs, and hockey sticks and balls. Cones and bibs would also be great if anyone has that kind of stuff lying around. Essentially, if anyone has anything sports-related they are willing to part with it would be great if they could donate it to the cause. Even things like redundant rugby socks could potentially find a new home.

Off course the stuff needs to be in working condition so we don't want to be left with a heap of deflated soccer balls on our stoep.

In case you are wondering what it will be used for - SHAWCO sports is a fairly new project which only became official this year. Currently we go out to three SHAWCO centres twice a week - Manenberg, Nyanga and Khayelitsha - where volunteers coach kids skills in various sports. Sometimes there are up to 200 kids a day that partake in the workshops.

We would appreciate all your help. The equipment can be dropped off at the Sports Admin offices in the UCT Sports Centre.

Yours in derelict sports equipment

Margot Scheffer
SHAWCO sports committee

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Monday Monthly

Volume 25 Edition 06

27 Mar 2006

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