Call for Distinguished Teacher nominations

10 April 2007

"The good teacher makes the poor student good, and the good student superior," the saying goes.

With that in mind, the time has come to nominate UCT's best teachers for the Distinguished Teacher Award 2007, the university's highest recognition for teaching staff.

The honour also spotlights the value placed on teaching and learning in the university's academic endeavour. Staff and students may nominate candidates.

Up to four awards are made annually and each comes with a R20 000 purse. Outstanding junior lecturers may be considered for nominations, provided they have been teaching for at least three years.

The selection committee will look for intellectual vigour and communication skills in interpreting and presenting subject matter. They are also keen to see that the nominee has had a favourable and lasting influence in educating students.

The recipients last year were Dr Becky Ackermann of the Department of Archaeology, Dr Justine Burns of the School of Economics, Dr Zimitri Erasmus of the Department of Sociology and Liz Mills of the School of Drama. Exceptional teachers may be awarded the Vice-Chancellor's Medal.

Nominations should include a detailed statement making a case for the award, evidence of excellent teaching over the years, as well as some detail about the nominee's approach to teaching: whether their strength lies in laboratory instruction, in lecturing to large classes, etc.

Nominations should be sent to Debbie Wedel, Senate Office, Room 110, Bremner Building, by Friday, 20 April, and should be marked confidential.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 26 Edition 04

10 Apr 2007

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