Stop press

10 April 2007

The UCT Graduate School of Business (GSB) will this June launch a landmark programme that will help organisations effectively tackle HIV/AIDS in the workplace. The new programme, HIV/AIDS in the Workplace, is a fusion of the expertise of the GSB's Executive Education unit and HIV/AIDS Coordination UCT (HAICU).

A set of 15 young maths boffins from schools around the country eschewed holiday distractions for an intensive programme of mathematical training at UCT last week. From this group, a team of four will be selected to represent South Africa at the Pan African Mathematics Olympiad in Abuja, Nigeria, from 8 to 15 April. The week of training also doubles as an audition for the squad to go to the International Mathematical Olympiad in Vietnam in July.

Renowned Oxford cosmologist Professor Joe Silk gave a packed New Science Lecture Theatre a potted introduction to the history of the universe on Wednesday, 28 March. Silk, who holds the almost-400-year-old Savilian Chair of Astronomy at the University of Oxford and is the author of 2005's On the Shores of the Unknown: A short history of the universe, visited UCT as a guest of Professor Peter Dunsby of the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 26 Edition 04

10 Apr 2007

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