Spier play has strong UCT links

03 March 2003
Award winning playwright Fenuala Dowling.

THE AWARD wining play, Bungee Writing Finals, certain to be a comedy highlight of the Spier Summer Festival this month (March), has strong UCT links.

Not only is Fenuala Dowling, the playwright, a UCT masters graduate, but the play also stars UCT alumni David Butler, Tessa Jubber, Ntokoza Madlala and John Gamble. In addition, Professor Chris Weare of UCT's drama department directs the play.

Bungee Writing Finals is the winner of the Audience vote at the 2002 Spier/PANSA New Writing Festival. It has been described by its original audience as “High octane humour”, “A really nutty play”, “Rollicking fun” and as being “Full of powerful thought”.

The play is set in Cape Town and is about creative writers and what stimulates them. It follows the “literary bungee jump” of five aspiring writers. In a classic triumph of the underdog, the rookie writers out-manoeuvre the acclaimed arts personality sent to lead their weekend workshop.

Dowling graduated from UCT with a masters in English literature in 1983 and has since been a freelance writer, poet and lecturer. Her first poetry collection was published in November last year.

In an interview with Monday Paper, she said that she always knew she would be involved in some form of writing. “I'm quite an introvert and writing is a nice way to express a part of your personality, but still be hidden from sight.

“I've always had an urge to communicate and to share thoughts. Words drive me. Words live with me,” she added.

Dowling said that those who are going to see the play could expect to be surprised by six very different, zany characters.

“The audiences can expect to have their minds reeling with the possibility of language and human interaction,” she concluded humbly.

Bungee Writing Finals will be performed at Spier from 19 to 22 March.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 22 Edition 03

03 Mar 2003

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