Former US ambassador for GSB

11 May 2002
FORMER US Ambassador to South Africa Dr Jim Joseph has become the latest high-profile recruit to the UCT Graduate School of Business' Board of Advisors. Joseph accepted an invitation to sit on the board earlier this month and his presence will add a significant dimension to the School.

A vocal anti-apartheid activist in the US, Joseph has a long-standing involvement in South African public life, culminating in his appointment as US Ambassador in 1995. As Ambassador, Joseph worked tirelessly both to represent the US in the new South Africa and as an advocate for support of South Africa within the US government. In recognition of his championing of South Africa, President Thabo Mbeki awarded Joseph the Order of Good Hope, the highest honour that the country can bestow on a citizen of another country, in 1999.

Professor Nick Segal, Director of the GSB, said that the addition of Joseph to the School's Board would help to consolidate the School's position as the international business school in Africa.

"Joseph, who is both an international scholar and a highly respected businessman will bring new expertise to the Board.

"His presence encapsulates the spirit of internationalism that infuses the School and his international credentials combined with his experiences in South Africa will help to sharpen the School's focus on doing business in emerging economies and transitional societies."

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Monday Monthly

Volume 21 Edition 11

19 May 2002