Students march for Middle East

11 May 2002

The Middle East comes to campus: Students belonging to the Islamic Society marched on campus at the end of April.

THE UCT Islamic Society staged a peaceful march on campus last week to draw attention to the conflict in the Middle East, while members of the South African Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS) held a silent protest in response. According to the Society's Yasser Essop, the purpose of the march was to raise awareness of the plight of Palestinians in Israel.

During the march to Jameson Plaza, SAUJS members gathered at the top of Jameson steps, holding hands in silent protest.

While nothing untoward occurred on the afternoon, Essop later reported to Monday Paper that a banner the Society had put up in front of the old Student Union building went missing at about 22h00 that same night. The Society had permission to display the banner on campus.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 21 Edition 11

19 May 2002