New dean of CHED

03 March 2003
Assoc Prof Nan Yeld takes the helm on July 1.

ASSOCIATE Professor Nan Yeld has been appointed as the new Dean of the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED) for a five-year term.

Yeld replaces former Dean, Professor Martin Hall, who took up office as Deputy Vice-Chancellor last year.

Before her departure to the United States on a UCT Harvard–Mandela Fellowship last year, she was the Acting Director of the Academic Development Programme. She will take up her new position as soon as she returns from her fellowship at Harvard's WE Du Bois Institute for African-American Studies in the United States.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Njabulo Ndebele said Yeld would play an important role in the development of higher education in South Africa, which continued to be in a state of flux as the transformation process continued.

“At UCT, CHED is at the cutting edge of this debate and Assoc Prof Yeld will lead the quest to move beyond the intra-sectoral divisions of the past towards defining a new image for higher education.”

He said that far-reaching policy changes were in place and that he was confident Yeld would rise to the challenge. “She brings to the task extensive management experience, a deep knowledge of higher education as well as the personal qualities of commitment, sensitivity and integrity. UCT is privileged to have her at this moment in the higher education environment in South Africa.”

Yeld will also play a significant leadership role at UCT as a member of the Senior Leadership Group (SLG), whose purpose is to bring together the University's senior executives, across both the faculties and the professional, administrative, support and services (PASS) departments, in developing a shared vision.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 22 Edition 03

03 Mar 2003

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