UCT welcomes back Nkosazana Tengimfene

03 March 2003
THE OFFICE of the Vice-Chancellor (OVC) recently welcomed to its fold Nkosazana Tengimfene, the new Manager of the OVC and Special Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor.

Tengimfene previously worked at the University of Durban-Westville, where she was executive manager of student affairs, reporting to the vice-chancellor. During her five years at UDW, Tengimfene rapidly moved up the ranks, having started as assistant dean of students.

She admits that though her current post will differ slightly from her previous job, she will still be working with issues close to her heart.

“My tasks are varied. The first part of my job description entails administratively managing the OVC, which also incorporates the offices of the Deputy Vice-Chancellors.

“The second side is the part I am more passionate about,” she explains, elaborating: “It involves me in advising the Vice-Chancellor on strategic government relations as they dove-tail with his ten-point plan. It also involves ensuring that UCT is relevant to the communities it serves, and assists the Vice-Chancellor in ensuring that UCT offers assistance to government to effect efficient delivery. He has articulated his vision, ours is to make sure we assist him in implementing it.”

A UCT alumna, Tengimfene says that the institution has changed since she graduated in 1993, and she is excited to be part of the continuing transformation.

“When I left in 1993, I was quite disgruntled with what I thought was a slow process of transformation. Ten years down the line, I realise that people do not run away from situations that necessitate transformation. And, being passionate about transformation in higher education, I realised I should go back to an institution that challenges me.

"There is a lot of work to be done, but I think UCT is moving in the right direction.”

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Monday Monthly

Volume 22 Edition 03

03 Mar 2003

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