Cameron bags award

01 March 2004

Professor Rob Cameron swept the board when he was announced winner of this year's SAAPAM's best academic award in the field of public administration and management.

SAAPAM is the South African Association of Public Administration and Management, an organisation that brings together scholars and professionals in public administration and management, promoting good governance and effectual service delivery through professionalism in the field.

The body delivered two accolades at its conference last year. The second is a practitioner's award and this went to Professor Harry Nengwekulu.

Cameron heads UCT's public administration programme, housed in the political studies department. Described as a visionary leader, he met SAAPAM's stringent criteria in three areas: teaching, research and community service.

On hand to deliver the academic's prize at a function held in the department were Professor Dovhani Thakhathi and Lucas Masilo, SAAPAM's president and vice president, respectively.

Cameron, Masilo said in his tribute, had impressed the panel on all three selection areas, citing his impressive publication record of two books, nine chapters in books, 42 articles (since 1985), and 25 research reports and 22 papers at local and international conferences. Cameron was also praised for his involvement with national, and especially local government. He was a member of the country's Municipal Demarcation Board, which demarcated boundaries for the 2000 local government elections.

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Monday Monthly

Volume 23 Edition 03

01 Mar 2004

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