Super subwarden is five-star staffer

01 March 2004

Leo Marquard Hall residence's Collin Ndlovu.

This week Monday Paper's five-star staffer award goes to Collin Ndlovu, a subwarden in Leo Marquard Hall residence.

Nominated by his colleague Sam Adams, Ndlovu is praised for his loyalty and commitment to the residence.

Each year the process of room allocation within the residence sees over 400 students being accommodated, each with their own room preference, a process Adams describes as "manic, complicated and laborious".

"Collin continually rises to this challenge," said Adams. "He applies himself to the task with great diligence and perseverance. The long hours, including the odd sleepless night, reveal a dedication to the residence and the job.

"At the end of the day, Collin's effort functions as a personal service to each member of the residence, resulting in a more comfortable stay and, in turn, providing the students with a positive environment conducive to work and extra-curricular fulfilment."

Ndlovu, a third-year BCom student, was surprised when Monday Paper informed him of the nomination but he believes his township upbringing prepared him for the challenges of the job.

"It's wonderful that people recognise my work," he said. "But I'm just doing what comes naturally. I'm one of six subwardens and we work as a team. If I'm free and I can see that someone else needs help, I jump right in.

"It was like this in Umlazi (Durban). When things weren't working out for one of our friends, we got together and came up with solutions to sort it out. It's all about understanding each other and building relationships."

(To nominate five-star staffers, please e-mail Helen Théron at

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Monday Monthly

Volume 23 Edition 03

01 Mar 2004

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