Rio carnival for floats procession

01 March 2004

The word is out - the students are coming to town.

On March 6, Adderley Street will be the preserve of UCT students in all manner of guises and levels of sobriety as they shake, rattle and roll their collection tins for good.

This year's theme is Rio Carnival and the floats procession is stepping up a gear to dish up a bigger display for the people of Cape Town.

RAG floats procession is an established Cape Town event, dating back to 1925. It was originally known as Hospital RAG (Remember and Give), and all monies raised went to Groote Schuur Hospital.

Male students sporting handlebar moustaches, top-hats and tails, or surgeon's attire, "and strange devices" as the Cape Times wrote, paraded up and down Adderley Street, along with horses and the occasional car covered in coloured paper. In those days, the event culminated in a flour fight between residences and a mock rugby match at Newlands.

However, 2004 sees the institution remembering its roots 175 years ago. Consequently, the procession is going to be significantly bigger. Along with the conventional floats built by the residences and faculties, the stumbling dummies and the marching bands and drummies, this year has seen the introduction of a digs (student abode) competition where students will be encouraged to use their initiative by celebrating the event in a car, bicycle - or simply on foot!

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Monday Monthly

Volume 23 Edition 03

01 Mar 2004

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