Welcome from the Chancellor

27 September 2024 Read time 2 min.
<b>Photo</b> Lerato Maduna.
Photo Lerato Maduna.

Theme: Transitions

There are different ways to define the University of Cape Town (UCT). In terms of global rankings systems, it is the top institution of higher education in Africa. And it is a proudly African university, committed to sharing African-based knowledge to provide African solutions to the problems we see around the globe.

In terms of education, UCT graduates enjoy a significantly high rate of employment compared to graduates from other South African universities. And UCT is an institution of choice for students from other countries.

Just under a third of the country’s A-rated researchers are at UCT. This highest rating by the National Research Foundation recognises their global leadership in their respective fields. This means UCT is sought out by international funders and research partners for scientific collaborations. UCT is a key component in South Africa’s goal of building a globally competitive society.

These distinctions are the result of decades of diligent scholarship and hard work by generation after generation of academics, students, and professional and support staff. Over the years, each new generation brings with it changes, changes in terms of economic, cultural, their social backgrounds and identities. Each generation faces different challenges – but each generation also advances UCT’s commitment to socially responsive teaching, learning and research; scholarship that can change the lives of individuals, communities and even nations.

I believe in the power of community to bring about positive change. I have built my career acting on that belief in my personal capacity and through the work of the Motsepe Foundation. In UCT I see the power of community to use higher education to unleash human potential to create a fair and just society.

The UCT community comprises not just the people on campus, in the labs, classrooms, libraries, residences and offices, but also the people around the world who have maintained their relationship with UCT as alumni, donors, funders and partners in scholarship and research.

It is this global community that I thank for UCT’s achievements in 2023. Because we all share in UCT’s performance, reputation and future. We can all be proud of what UCT is today and where it is leading us in the future.


Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe

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