In 2021, 13 benchmark reports were received from seven faculties and six non-academic departments. This matched the 13 reports received in 2020, and the 12 received in 2019. In addition, transformation special and institutional projects submitted reports on their work. However, over the first three years of implementing the transformation benchmarks, some departments have not submitted reports on their work. This indicates that work still needs to be done to put in place a shared appreciation of the importance of the university’s overall transformation project.
Even with these challenges, this report provides a snapshot of transformation at UCT. The report also invites you as the reader, as well as the UCT community, to reflect on our collective contribution to transformation. This report is intended as an exercise in self-reflection, and such self-reflection is a key part of our transformation praxis.
The 2021 Transformation Report provides a partial reflection on the different ways transformation, diversity and inclusion (TDI) is programmed, implemented and monitored at UCT. Faculties and non-academic departments are invited to report on their work each year in December. They report their actions against the transformation benchmarks, which allows the report to capture how transformation is mainstreamed within teaching and learning, research, and operations.
The 2021 report is based on analysis of the benchmark results and reports received from transformation special and institutional projects. Transformation special and institutional projects refer to transformation work which occurs in addition to the work of transformation committees and work occurring at an institutional level, for example the work of the OIC, the Special Tribunal on Sexual Misconduct, and the work of committees dealing with language, works of art, and the naming of buildings and other infrastructure on campus.
Since 2019, UCT has used the transformation benchmarks to systematically shape transformation programming and to monitor the progress of these actions coherently. The benchmarks provide a snapshot of progress aligned with the Framework for Transformation (2018). The transformation benchmarks have been implemented for three years now, and the university is able to identify some trends related to transformation programming. Section 3 provides a deeper explanation of the benchmarks.
The benchmark results can be useful in indicating the direction the university is going in terms of transformation. At the same time, the narratives provided by faculties and non-academic departments, and special and institutional project reports share the broader and deeper story of the direction, pace and quality of transformation efforts.
In 2021, 13 benchmark reports were received from seven faculties and six non-academic departments. This matched the 13 reports received in 2020, and the 12 received in 2019. In addition, transformation special and institutional projects submitted reports on their work. However, over the first three years of implementing the transformation benchmarks, some departments have not submitted reports on their work. This indicates that work still needs to be done to put in place a shared appreciation of the importance of the university’s overall transformation project.
Even with these challenges, this report provides a snapshot of transformation at UCT. The report also invites you as the reader, as well as the UCT community, to reflect on our collective contribution to transformation. This report is intended as an exercise in self-reflection, and such self-reflection is a key part of our transformation praxis.
The 2021 Transformation Report provides a partial reflection on the different ways transformation, diversity and inclusion (TDI) is programmed, implemented and monitored at UCT. Faculties and non-academic departments are invited to report on their work each year in December. They report their actions against the transformation benchmarks, which allows the report to capture how transformation is mainstreamed within teaching and learning, research, and operations.
The 2021 report is based on analysis of the benchmark results and reports received from transformation special and institutional projects. Transformation special and institutional projects refer to transformation work which occurs in addition to the work of transformation committees and work occurring at an institutional level, for example the work of the OIC, the Special Tribunal on Sexual Misconduct, and the work of committees dealing with language, works of art, and the naming of buildings and other infrastructure on campus.