What are the innovations and best practices which have been employed to further transformation, inclusivity and diversity?
New and innovative practices | I.1 New, innovative or alternative approaches to building a transformed, inclusive and critically diverse higher education institution. |
This benchmark offers departments and faculties the opportunity to report on innovative, experimental and creative practices that were developed to strengthen transformation, inclusivity and diversity. While a range of interesting practices are reported here, it’s important to reflect on the impact and outcomes of these actions. For example, while using creative methods is exciting, does the use of a method lead to better outcomes? Or, while it is important to increase the number of black PhD candidates, do black PhD candidates feel welcome and included in the departments? Questions like these can encourage self-reflection on the effects and affects of these actions.
A small number of departments and faculties experimented with new practices in 2021, including using digital and online tools to further transformation.
Some departments shared that transformation work is not seen as a priority, which means little room or time is devoted to creativity or innovation in this area.
Which actions contributed tothis benchmark?
While several actions were implemented to meet this benchmark, three stand out as illustrative examples:
Who contributed to this benchmark?
Five faculties and three non-academic department contributed to this benchmark.
How effective were the actions?
Few faculties and departments intentionally experimented with new or alternative approaches to TDI. This may be because entities feel they haven’t covered the minimum actions expected of them, hence they do not have the courage or will to experiment with new or alternate approaches. However, the examples listed in this section highlight that unexpected and creative ways of responding to transformation challenges can lead to positive outcomes.
Social justice work is always an experiment in that approaches should always be based on evidence and always need to be tested for their efficacy. It would be beneficial to create an incubator for transformation innovations. The incubator could assist faculties and departments to think of new and more effective ways to further TDI.
Warning signs
In the first three years of capturing data on the benchmarks, entities reported meeting 55–60% of the benchmark requirements for Innovations, Alternative Approaches and Best Practices in Transformation, Inclusivity and Diversity. This benchmark has not been a priority for entities, likely because it is seen as a nice-to-have within a context where entities struggle to meet the criteria of the core benchmarks.
While the above challenges are present, there are several hopeful sparks of change. For example, the Building Bridges Programme in the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance connects students with world leaders in an attempt to rethink democracy.
Transformative awakening
While this benchmark area can be seen as a gap, it’s also an opportunity to encourage creativity and experimentation in transformation work. If work isn’t emerging organically, the OIC or the Hasso Plattner School of Design Thinking Afrika (d-school Afrika) at UCT could step in to encourage experimentation.
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Mama Thembi – one of the three Thembis of Phillippi by women sculptors Angela Mac Pherson, Jen Bam and Sean Mac Pherson. Commissioned by the UCT GSB, the concept is a celebration of women as holders and creators of safe spaces. The vision was for these sculptures to create areas in the open back area of Phillippi Village to seed the future garden, and to create places of safety for plants, birds and people to gather and grow in the harsh climate. Monwabisi Dasi did the welding work with the help of 36 other artists and artisans from Phillippi, Napier and Muizenberg.
The UCT Transformation Report 2021 is titled “Fear, flame and metamorphosis: transformation, diversity and inclusion in uncertain times”. It is titled to reflect that in 2021, the UCT community was challenged with racism, queer- and transphobia, and socio-economic disparities. The fire in the Jagger Reading Room brought forward important questions about how coloniality and gatekeeping continue to frame UCT as an exclusive and inaccessible space. Yet even with these challenges the university, through transformation agents, was able to transform these difficult realities through tactical and innovative actions. Through cohesive inclusivity strategy initiations in faculties and departments; developments in succession planning, retention and recruitment; recognition of the voluntary work of transformation committees through the inclusion of key performance areas for transformation, inclusion and diversity work in job descriptions; dialogical spaces, seminars, capacity strengthening, training and other events-based interventions, campaigns and curated art interventions; and innovations in research, teaching and learning, current realities were metamorphosised into safer and more affirming spaces.
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Setting the scene for the 2021 Transformation Report.
Introducing UCT’s transformation benchmarks.
The conclusion and recommendations of the 2021 Transformation Report.
Transformation, inclusivity, and diversity is based on continual growth and development. Listed below are the articles and poems referenced in this report, and some other useful texts to help make sense of 2021.