Once, twice, thrice capped

11 December 2006

Putting three children through university over 15 years is a long haul - especially when you work close to the coalface. Capping them all is just reward.

Dr Moragh Paxton, of the Language Development Group in the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED), will cap her daughter, Juliet, on December 11, one of 183 MBChB graduands.

Paxton's son, Craig, graduated with a chemical engineering degree in 1998. He returned to UCT to complete his Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in 2002.

Craig completed that certificate alongside sister Kirsty, who had graduated the previous year with a BSc in environmental and geographical sciences. Both got distinctions for the PGCE.

But Craig got more than a certificate: in the PGCE year he met Michelle Lawrence (BBusSci), his future wife.

Craig is now teaching science and maths at Pinelands High and is off to do a master's in education next year, probably in Canada.

Kirsty is arts and crafts director at the Two Oceans Aquarium.

Is there some relief in sight for Paxton?

"Yes, it's been 15 years of higher education for our children, but it's been fun. There's the empty nest syndrome next year as Juliet goes off to Pietermartizburg to do her internship."

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Centre for Higher Education Development


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